Monday, March 21, 2011

anxiety attacks

These are some of the best ways to deal with anxiety and panic attacks.

1. Medication

People often turn to our medical system and expect a "magic bullet" to reduce or eliminate their anxiety attacks. Today's drugs get quite close to that ideal, although some people can experience side effects. Various types of benzodiazepines are often prescribed, the best known of which is probably Valium, although stronger drugs are available if necessary.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Once your anxiety attacks start to come under control, therapy may be your next step. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to help anxiety attack victims to cope with their problems. It usually involves making you challenge what you believe is the source of your anxiety attacks and change your way of thinking and thus dealing with the phobia.

3. Self-Monitoring

This is often one of the best ways of dealing with panic and anxiety attacks. After all, no-one knows more about you than you do. Self monitoring starts by identifying the specific problem that causes the anxiety attack. Once this is identified, the next step is to search for an appropriate solution. Of course, if the perceived problem has no solution that you can directly control then the best solution may be to disregard it as no matter how much worrying you do, you will have no effect.

4. Meditation

Meditation helps to calm you down. A regular meditation, say for 10 minutes when you wake in the morning or just before you go to sleep, will help to calm you down. If you have a meditation class locally, that would be worth investigating. Otherwise check one of the guided meditations on the internet or Amazon.

5. Relaxation

Very often we have forgotten how to relax. It's a skill that modern day life doesn't seem to require. Learn how to relax, maybe by listening to some of your favorite music or taking a gentle stroll through a nearby park. Set aside a special "me time" of the day to relax.

6. Physical Exercise or Yoga

Most of us don't get as much exercise as we should. Set aside some time each day or week for physical exercise of some sort. This doesn't have to be a gym session. It could include brisk walking, taking a swim or maybe joining a local yoga class. While you're at it, check your diet as that could be contributing to your anxiety. Cut down on processed foods and read the label for sugar content as well as fat.

7. Stop Being Self-Centered

OK, we're all our own most important person. However, that can be taken to extremes. Start to focus on others as well as yourself. Reach out to them. Smile at people in shops and restaurants. Thank them when they serve you - you'll notice this has a profound effect on the quality of service that you get in return as well as making the world a happier place!

8. Cut Down on the Alcohol, Cigarettes and Caffeine

Alcohol is a depressant. If you're already anxious, it will lead you further down. Caffeine and cigarettes aren't part of our natural diet either. Don't attempt to go cold turkey - just cut down gradually and you'll almost certainly find that you don't miss the cigarettes, coffee, cola and alcohol.

9. Don't Bottle Up Your Feelings

If you always bottle up your feelings, they'll eventually have nowhere in you to go and they'll surface as dis-ease. Talk about your feelings with anyone who will listen. The Samaritans do an excellent job of anonymous listening if you can't find anyone you know and trust to talk about your anxiety.

10. Change Your Lifestyle

Do you really have to have a high stress job with a long commute? Or would you get more pleasure and as much cash from something less demanding? Think about what you can do to change your lifestyle for the better. It could be as easy as having some plants or scented candles around your home or it may need something more drastic.

For more top tips for panic attacks and lots of natural ways to reduce or eliminate your panic and anxiety attacks, 

check panic attacks
More information

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