Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Risk of blood pressure

Obesity is a worrisome epidemic, that's spreading like wildfire in the industrialized world today. The more obese or overweight a person becomes, the more he or she is likely to develop a wide array of associated health problems. According to health experts, mild obesity involves having a body mass index or BMI of 30+, while morbidly obese individuals have a BMI of 40+, and malignantly obese people have a BMI of 50+. Dietitians also contend that those who are forty percent overweight have twice more chances of dying prematurely as compared to the average-weight individual.

Enhanced Risks Of Premature Death

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, estimates that an average of 300,000 plus Americans die each year from obesity-related complications. The CDC also adds that even a moderate weight gain is good enough to increase the risk of death, especially among people aged between 30 to 64 years old. A new study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has concluded that obesity kills roughly 112,000 individuals each year, which is quite lower than the CDC estimate.

Increased Stroke and Heart Disease Risks and Risk of blood  pressure

The study made by the US CDC has also concluded that obesity increases your chances of developing atherosclerosis, or the narrowing of the arteries. Atherosclerosis leads to the development of arterial blood clots, which are an important harbinger of strokes. This condition is often enhanced by high blood pressure, lack of exercise, smoking and high cholesterol levels. Morbid obesity is often correlated with a high-fat diet, lack of exercise as well as increased high blood pressure. Obesity also increases the chances of developing heart disease. The chances of getting congestive heart failure, heart attack, sudden cardiac death and angina is more heightened by being overweight or worse, obese. The rates of high blood pressure are twice as high in obese adults, as compared to those who have average or moderate weight. Obesity also leads to a decrease in HDL cholesterol, or good cholesterol, and also leads to high triglyceride levels.

Enhanced Risk Of Developing Diabetes Type 2

Obesity also heightens your chances of developing diabetes type 2, where an increase of just 11 to 18 pounds is enough to compound your health, as compared to those who have not gained any weight at all. Health experts contend that around eighty percent of individuals who already have diabetes are either overweight or obese. This phenomena could account for the development of the word "diabesity" which practically denotes the close link between diabetes and obesity.

Increased Chances of Getting Fatty Liver Disease and Other Cancers

The list of the many associated risks of obesity goes on and on. Once you become overweight, and continue to pack more kilos or pounds, it also leads to an increase in the risks of developing different types of cancers, including higher chances of developing colon cancer, gall bladder, kidney, prostate, post-menopausal and endometrial cancer. The CDC also noted that women who gain more than twenty pounds, and are aged from 18 years old to midlife are known to develop higher chances of getting post menopausal cancer, as compared to women who manage to control their weight. Fatty liver disease is also among the many risks of being obese.

Fatty liver disease is common in alcoholics, and is also induced by insulin resistance. This happens once a metabolic disorder takes place in the cells, and the cells become insensitive or non-responsive to the effects of insulin. A number of health studies have repeatedly emphasized that there is a clear correlation between an increased body mass index and the degree or level in liver damage. The studies have agreed that the higher the body mass index, the higher the chances of developing liver disease.

Increased Chances of Developing Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency is also one of the additional risk factors associated with obesity, although health experts contend that obesity may not be a direct cause of it. Morbid obesity often leads to high blood pressure and the development of musculoskeletal deficiencies. This, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, all contribute to the development of chronic venous insufficiency. Obese individuals also face a greater chance of getting other harmful vascular disorders such as lower limb ischemia, which is often a direct result of hampered or inadequate blood flow to the extremities.

About The Author

Selva Sugunendran has published a number of Books on Health Matters. Visit the following website to immediately download an extensively researched EBook on Multiple Health diseases including Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Cardiac Illness and Diabetes. It details the symptoms, treatments available, the interactions as well as the management and control of these diseases:

Hypertension affects

Hypertension affects about 1 in 4 American adults and is one of the most common worldwide problems afflicting humans. It increases the chance of heart disease and stroke for those afflicted, so it’s important to understand how to lower hypertension. High blood pressure, aka hypertension risk factors include obesity, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, and family history of hypertension. Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease (the leading cause of fatality in North America), stroke (the third leading cause), congestive heart failure, end-stage renal disease, and peripheral vascular disease.

Normal blood pressure with respect to cardiovascular risk is less than 120/80 mm Hg, (however, unusually low readings should be evaluated for clinical significance as well). Prehypertension is a new category emphasizing that individuals with prehypertension are at risk for progression to hypertension and that lifestyle modifications are important preventive strategies. Home blood pressure predicts cardiovascular events much better than do office readings and can be a useful clinical tool. Anyone with hypertension should be monitoring their own BP at home. BP kits are available everywhere, and they are inexpensive. If your BP readings suddenly become low, you should tell your doctor to titrate downwards your medication so that you do not become syncopal, (passing out). The following are the ranges of BP:

Normal – Systolic, (top number) lower than 120, diastolic, (bottom number) lower than 80.

Prehypertension - Systolic 120-139, diastolic 80-99.

Stage 1 hypertension- Systolic 140-159, diastolic 90-99.

Stage 2 hypertension- Systolic equal to or more than 160, diastolic equal to or more than 100

Recommendations to lower blood pressure and thus decrease cardiovascular disease risk include the following:

• Lose weight if overweight. Even a few extra pounds will raise blood pressure.

• Google DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) for a reasonable diet, which is rich in fruits and vegetables.

• Limit alcohol intake to no more than 1-2 drinks/day.

• Increase aerobic activity (30-45 min most days of the week).

• Reduce sodium intake, learn to read nutritional information labels on products you purchase.

• Maintain adequate intake of dietary potassium, calcium and magnesium for general health.

• Stop smoking and reduce intake of dietary saturated fat and cholesterol for overall cardiovascular health.

Dr. Scopelliti is both a Fellow of the American College of Functional Neurology, and, a Fellow of the American Board of Vestibular Rehabilitation, practicing at the 279 Professional Arts Bldg at the rear of Monmouth Medical Center, in Long Branch, NJ. His office specializes in the drug free management of patients suffering with vertigo, dizziness, imbalance, presyncope, dystonia, TBI, headaches, ADD and other brain based disorders. As a community service, Dr. Scopelliti offers a free computerized risk of fall posturographic analysis and consultation. The office can be reached at (732) 229-5250. Dr. Scopelliti has a wealth of information updated weekly on the web at You may also obtain a free report on vertigo and dizziness by subscribing on line to our E News

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure Cured to Secret Nutrition Plan

High Blood Pressure cured with a secret diet? After watching the recent show, Biggest Loser, it was amazing how many people can cure diseases when they eat healthy and exercise. In fact, one of the contestants on the show was able to cure her diabetes and high blood pressure with a secret diet.

Actually, I don't believe it was a secret diet at all. However, I would guess that many pharmaceutical companies do not want you to try to treat your hypertension naturally.

But if you are wondering how thousands of people cure their high blood pressure each year, this article will give you some tips to begin your alternative treatment at home.

High Blood Pressure Cured with these Tips

Billions of dollars of research has gone into curing high blood pressure. And here are some of the facts that these experts have found!

1. Try to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables a day for the fiber content and the abundance of nutrients. The fiber has been shown to flush cholesterol and plaque.

2. Fruits are also important but should be eaten less than vegetables because of the higher amounts of sugar. Try to get at least 3 servings daily.

3. Switch all of your grains to whole grains. Look for dietary fiber.

4. Try to get at least 3 servings of fish a week. And you should also be supplementing fish oil or flaxseed oil daily which has shown to lower high blood pressure.

5. Along with fish oil, you should also be taking a capsule multivitamin twice a day. The tablet forms will often not dissolve in your stomach and simply become part of your stool. Make sure you are getting gender specific multivitamins.

6. Try to reduce your fat coming from animal based products. Choose fat free dairy products. It would also be helpful to start eating nuts daily to get the right types of fats and increase your protein content.

7. Though it goes without saying, you should avoid salt and salty foods.

8. Drink plenty of water daily. Try to aim for at least 10-12 glasses per day.

9. Drinking as little as a half cup a day of green or oolong tea for a year could cut the risk of hypertension by as much as 50 percent, according to a study done in Taiwan.

10. Mix a teaspoon of cayenne into a glass of water and drink twice a day. Cayenne is a herb that is thought to lower high blood pressure by improving circulation and keeping arteries from hardening.

Cure Hypertension in a Few Days

I hope you found hope with these quick tips. Do not believe the lie that you will need to take medication the rest of your life for this disease. If you are interested in curing your hypertension with a 100% guaranteed High Blood Pressure Cured Remedy Report, visit us now!

Low blood pressure

Low blood pressure, medical term hypotension is generally defined as that which is below normal and relative to the individual with things taken into account such as age and activity levels.

Many conditions can cause low blood pressure, with the most common being illness, taking drugs with side effects that lower the blood pressure, although this is very rare and nearly the only drugs that can cause this are alpha blockers which may give you postural hypotension – this is were you may feel dizzy or even faint when standing up. If you suffer from this, see your doctor immediately! He may prescribe high blood pressure pills to gradually raise your blood pressure.

As people get older the chance of developing a problem with their blood pressure rises. This is true for high and low blood pressure. You could begin suffering from low blood pressure as your arteries stiffen and become less supple which could cause your blood pressure to fall when standing up.

Low blood pressure in itself isn't a bad thing – in fact, those with low blood pressure will out-live most, but if the symptoms arise were it's effecting you when standing this is when you should seek a doctor.

About The Author

Article by Beverley Brooke, visit the section on blood pressure at her website for more on low blood pressure:

Esay avoid anxiety

There are moments in a person’s life that just leads him to feel overpowered by an uncontrollable fear of something that hinders him to do what he is supposed to do. He is then led to worry too much, lose focus and concentration, and leave him immobile for a certain instance.

These moments are things that cause panic (uncontrolled fear) and anxiety (over-worrying).

These moments cannot be totally removed from the human way of living, but there sure are ways on how to avoid experiencing panic and anxiety in these situations by following some lifestyle changes.

Here are some tips to follow to Esay avoid  anxiety 
and panic attacks. 

1. See a doctor for anti-depressants or anti-anxiety Prescription drugs.

Medicines are proven effective in preventing anxiety and panic attacks by calming the nervous system. Unnecessary worrying or fear is minimized this way.

However, some medicines have side effects too, so it is best to consult with a doctor first to find out what is best for you.

2. Know more about panic and anxiety.

The best way to fight anxiety and panic is to know more about it. There are a lot of references available online. Here are some of the things that you need to know.

- What is anxiety and panic? What are the symptoms?

Most people try to deny what they are going through because of wrong notions about panic and anxiety. But the more you know about the attacks, the easier it is for you to get past the denial stage. And the more you accept things as they are, the easier it will be to address them properly.

- What are the remedies?

With these facts, you will be more informed when you consult with a doctor. You will also understand more about what the doctor will be telling you. In that way, it will be easier for you to know the pros and cons of the remedies.

3. Seek help.

Some people prefer to keep these problems to themselves, thus making the situation more complicated.

You may be able to push yourself through the anxiety and panic attacks a day at a time. But if you are seeking for a long-term solution, you need to ask for help.

Here are some of the persons that can help you overcome panic and stress attack.

- A Doctor

- Support Groups
- A close friend
- A guidance councilor

4. You must cope with stress by changing your lifestyle.

Some lifestyle modifications must be made to avoid panic and anxiety attacks:

- Find ways to relax

You must adopt physical and mental activities to release tension. You can try doing yoga, pilates, regular exercises, muscle contractions, and simple deep breathing.

- Get ample sleep

Sleeping is the best and easiest way to prevent build-up of tension.

- Avoid alcohol and caffeine

These things will just make things worse. Instead of relaxing, or giving focus, they will just add up to the tension build-up.

- Control and confront

You cannot live your whole life running away from things that give you fear or worry. In the process of learning how to control your worry and confronting the issues, you must equip yourself with a stronger personality that will overcome panic and anxiety attacks.

These things will help you cope up with anxiety and panic attacks. Follow the tips and start looking at things positively; and surely, panic and anxiety threats will be part of history. 

Anxiety Attacks

For so many of us, the fear creeps up and takes a hold. Suddenly, we feel our heart rate accelerate and our breathing become quicker. We feel uncomfortable sensations coursing through our body and become even more frightened.

We are so consumed by the physical manifestations of our anxiety attack or panic attack that we don´t take the time to analyze what this sudden surge is all about.

Why are we feeling this way, what are we concerned about, and most importantly are our fears based on probabilities or remote possibilities?

We don´t take the time to analyze our attacks because who could possibly think about anything other than whether our body can survive this latest and greatest assault by our anxiety demon. While it may seem impossible to analyze our fears away, you need to try to take the time to do it. Doing so begins with reminding yourself that your body and your mind can survive the physical manifestations of your anxiety symptoms.

You are not going to go into cardiac arrest. You are not going to stop breathing. You are not going to lose all sensations and feeling in your body. If you´ve had more than one panic attack, this may be easier for you to tell yourself. You have already survived multiple panic attacks and while the episode may have been scary, you are none the worse for wear physically.

Your body was designed to have this happen; having an adrenaline surge is a natural response and one that your body can spring back from without difficulty. Since you aren´t going to die, you can actually take the time to analyze the basis of your panic attack or anxiety symptoms.

Usually, the trigger was building up over a course of hours, days or weeks. In these times of economic turmoil, many of the panic attack triggers revolve around financial uncertainty. A fear that you might lose your job, that you won´t get hired somewhere else, that you won´t have as many things, or that your family will be poor.

All of these worries are genuine but if you think about them more thoroughly you will realize the answer to all these potential pitfalls is SO WHAT! If you are worried about losing your job or have already lost your job, this isn´t a new found status. At some point in your earlier life you were unemployed.

You somehow managed to find a job once and you will do so again. So what if you don´t have as many things or make as much money? Life and happiness are not based on possessions. Some of the unhappiest people I know are also the richest. Money is not a guaranteed route to happiness and you shouldn´t let it determine your self worth.

Having a high self worth or high self esteem is central to dealing with your anxiety problems. People with high self confidence and a high regard for themselves and their abilities tend to have less problems with anxiety and panic. This makes intuitive sense but you can´t just conjure self esteem out of nowhere.

People with low self esteem tend to think of life in terms of what they don´t have, rather than what they do have. They aren´t rich enough, smart enough, and pretty enough. Building up your self esteem is a process but it is something that can certainly be accomplished and it will help you deal with your anxiety.

How do you enhance your self esteem? Here are some steps to boost your feelings of self worth and give your more confidence about your life.

1. Accept what bring to the table as well as your own limitations

This seems simple enough but so many people have a hard time doing it. If you are 5´5´´, you are not the next Lebron James, no matter how much you wish it were so. If you can´t carry a tune, you are not going to star in a musical on Broadway.

Accept your limitations and appreciate what you can do. You may not be able to carry a tune but you may be a whiz in math or be an eloquent speaker, or have a sympathetic and understanding heart. These are important abilities or traits that can be built upon to find your own niche in life.

2. Find Your Value

Appreciating what you bring to the table and your own abilities will help you find your value in this world. You may not be indispensable on the basketball court, but you may be in the science lab or in the operating room, or educating children.

There are so many places where you can find pride and a feeling of self worth. You don´t have to have your name in lights to experience the appreciation of others and feel good about yourself and what you do.

3. Be Realistic About Your Goals

It´s important to dream big and set your sights high but you don´t want to set yourself up for disappointment. You are not going to become a CEO of a Fortune 500 company in one year. However, you might be able to get a job at one and work your way up.

4. Work Hard and Feel Good about Your Accomplishments

Working hard reaps rewards. Its just the simple truth, you get places and get noticed when you put the extra effort in. When you do get recognition, appreciate it and celebrate it. Celebrating your accomplishments is a great way to build up self esteem.

Recognizing that you earned that promotion, that raise or that congratulatory pat on the back is an important part of feeling good about yourself and reducing any anxiety you might be experiencing as you work towards your goals.

5. Remember You Are Special

This isn´t just some hokey line, it´s the truth. Each of us brings something special and unique to this world. If you have children, all you have to do is look into their eyes to realize how special you are. Let your whole life, not just your job, determine how you feel about yourself. Believe in your ability to accomplish what you desire and beat back that anxiety and panicky feeling that threaten to undermine your happiness. more information

Acid Reflux

Have you been searching for an acid reflux cure that works? Do you get that burning sensation after you eat or that awful taste in your mouth as stomach food comes into your throat?

Do you eat those fatty foods that really taste good? You know, the ones that your doctor and health enthusiast tell you to stay away from? Perhaps you’ve decided to change your eating habits. But when you see those dishes with meat, bread and butter, with cream cheese on your potato, you find it hard to resist it.

Or is it the corn dogs, French fries, or greasy fried chicken that you can’t resist?

After your dinner are you always looking for an acid reflux cure using natural remedies? What happens when you eat a dinner of fatty foods and try to stuff it down with a glass or two of water or drinks? You can expect to get heartburn or reflux.

Luckily you have access a to a few acid reflux cure remedies. Whether you have gas or pain from heartburn, there is a remedy close by and available for everyone. You can get rid of that unwanted chest pain, and do it quickly.

My wife is the only person I have ever known that claims she's never had heartburn. I told her, “hey you need a heart to have heartburn.” She ignored that statement, since she knows she doesn’t eat like I do.

Well, as you know, you have a powerful acid in your stomach with a pH of 1.0 to 2.5. This acid is necessary to digest meat and to create various nutrients that your body need.

Now it's time to pinpoint some acid reflux cures for heartburn or reflux. Which one works best for you? I know that you might be tempted to bolt to your medicine cabinet to get some Tums or Rolaids.

But I don’t recommend these treatments, they only mask and suppress your condition. Also, I don’t recommend using milk to eliminate your heartburn, since it may have the opposite effect.

Here is what you can use, Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root known as DGL. It can have a soothing effect. It is able to start the healing process on any tissue damage in your esophagus. It is best to use 1 or 2 tablets just before meal time or just follow the instruction on the container. You can get DGL in a health food store or you can order it online.

Digestive enzymes also work good as an acid reflux cure. Take a few capsules right before your dinner or meal. Make sure the capsules have a variety of different enzymes. Now if you have an ulcer, then you need to use only DGL.

Using digestive enzymes for acid reflux is quite effective, especially if you are over 50. As you age you produce less digestive enzymes and the amount of HCl your stomach produces is also less.

If you frequently have acid reflux or heartburn, then you need to start changing your eating habits. If you include in your meals more vegetable and have snacks that are fruit or vegetables, your frequency of acid reflux will decrease.

Use the recommended acid reflux cure listed above and you will see less issue with heartburn. Change your eating habit and eliminate the need for DGL.

About The Author

Has it been difficult for you to find an effective Acid reflux cure? Have you tried natural remedies for your stomach pain? At, we will give you holistic tips and techniques to get rid of heart burn or acid reflux. We also provide suggestions on foods that you should eat and natural remedies you need. Go to our site at for more info

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux And Protonix Q: Will Protonix or Nexium help my heartburn.

A: It will since this drug is one in the family of proton pump inhibitor drugs. PPIs are the most powerful drugs for your heartburn. They reduce acid in your stomach by more than 90% to the level which won't hurt your esophagus but still will be good enough to digest the food.

Heartburn And Apple Cider Vinegar Q: Does Apple Cider Vinegar help acid reflux?

A: Maybe. Some people swear by it. But there is no medicinal evidence that it helps. Read this article for more information about how Apple Cider Vinegar can help you. So it worth a try.

Heartburn And Honey Q: Does honey helps acid reflux?

A: There is no medical evidence that it helps heartburn. But it can help lots of other medical conditions which could have caused acid reflux. So if honey doesn't hurt you should use it. Raw and unpausterized honey is the best.

Acid Reflux And Lump In Throat (Globus Hystericus) Q: What is Lump in the throat and 
what could be causing it?

A: Lump in the throat (Globus Hystericus) is a common complaint that many patients have when presenting to their ENT (otolaryngology-head & neck surgeon) doctor. The lump sensation in the neck is most often described as "annoying," but not painful. The sensation is more pronounced when swallowing and may even interfere somewhat with swallowing whether it is solids or liquids. Often a person may feel compelled to swallow a second or third time to make sure things get down. The lump itself is described to be roughly the size of a golf ball and is precisely located in the middle of the neck right above the sternum and below the Adam's Apple. Heartburn and acid reflux definitely can cause it so try some PPIs and see if they help. If PPIs doesn't help then most probably the cause is in anxiety.

Heartburn And Throat Clearing Q: Is acid reflux related to throat clearing?

A: Yes and no. Heartburn may cause throat clearing because your throat could be inflamed by acid. But if you're on PPIs and don't have heartburn symptoms and ENT says that everything is fine with your throat then it could be just a bad habbit. You should work on getting rid of it. Try control throat clearing reflex and it should go away. It can take several weeks though.

Acid Reflux And Apples Q: Does Apples help Heartburn?

A: Apples are acidic fruits so there is no clear evidence that they should help heartburn. But several sources on internet claim that certain kinds of apple help acid reflux.

Heartburn And Burping Q: Is burping caused by Acid Reflux?

A: It maybe. Though there are multiple other conditions like aerophagia which can cause burping. Work with your doctor to discover exact reason for it. Try elimination diet.

Acid Reflux And Caffeine Q: Does caffeine increases heartburn?

A: Yes. It is clinically proven that caffeine relaxes LES (lower esophageal sphincter) and causes heartburn. So switch to decaff coffee or cocoa. Read this article about caffeine to know more about it.

Heartburn And Baking Soda Q: Does baking soda helps acid reflux?

A: Yes. Certainly baking soda and any of the previously mentioned neutralizing agents can be used to treat GERD. These medications are very safe to use in the recommended doses. However, stronger therapy is often needed because GERD is a chronic disorder and the symptoms tend to recur very frequently, often many times per day.

Acid Reflux And Beer Q: Does beer cause heartburn

A: Yes and No. Some kinds of beer will make it worse while others won't. Unfiltered wheat beer seems to be the safest for heartburn. See more details on alcohol and heartburn.

For more information please visit my site about heartburn. You may also like to visit my sites about Panic Attacks and Anxiety Disorders.

Blood cerculation

Good circulation is important in preventing illness such as heart disease and diabetes. These conditions are so common that if you yourself don't have one of them, it's a sure bet you know someone who does. Preventions is key when it comes to blood circulation problems, 

so learning how to improve blood circulation should be a priority for anyone who wants to enjoy good health. Here are some basic steps to increasing the health of your blood circulation.

It is vital to keep your circulatory system flowing and this can be done with regular exercise. Doctors always tell us we need more exercise, but how many of us actually get up and do it? As you get older, inactive lifestyle habits can get in the way of exercise. Everyone knows what it's like to start a new exercise program and then get tired of it a few weeks or months later. Take your fitness level into account when crafting your own exercise program, and make sure that the activity or activities you do are enjoyable. If walking is your exercise of choice, appoint certain days and times to do this activity. Consistent exercise improves circulation and decreases blood pressure.

Is it possible to learn how to improve blood circulation without increasing physical activity?

Both your circulation and the overall health of your heart can be improved by the use of certain herbs. Use cayenne pepper to help strengthen and tone your capillaries and vessels. To reduce high blood pressure, try taking Hawthorne berries and rosemary. One way to lower cholesterol, maintain healthy blood pressure, and generally improve the health of your circulatory system is to eat garlic and onions. Consult your health care professional before taking any new herbs.

Blood flow can become better with improved body functions, which is the result of a proper diet. Improving blood circulation is most improved by an adequate intake of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is usually not sufficient in the bodies of heart and diabetes patients. A number of studies have evidenced that getting enough of this nutrient actually makes the body need less oxygen, break down clots, and jump starts the formation of clot-busting blood vessels. For foods with a lot of Vitamin E, look for avocados, nuts, and unrefined vegetable oil.

Cholin, vitamin B6 and inositol are key players in the fight for a healthy blood cholesterol level. You need to include an adequate amount of these vitamins for optimal circulation and strong blood vessels. Consuming a diet with adequate amounts of these vitamins has been shown to reduce medication requirements, lower cholesterol levels and incidence of heart attacks, as a clinical study of heart patients in the 1950s demonstrated.

Many people have successfully learned how to improve blood circulation through dietary changes and regular exercise. Remember to hold off on taking any new supplements or starting a new exercise program until you've discussed it with your doctor.

For more on better health, please visit where you can read more on how to improve blood circulation as well as keeping your body healthy and energized.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Brain Attack

Having a stroke is devastating for both the individual concerned and their friends and family. Stroke affects or brain attack people of all ages not just the elderly. With better treatment many more people survive a stroke but are often left with problems and disabilities, which need months of rehabilitation to improve. A large number never return to their pre stroke condition but manage to have a good quality of life. Prevention is better than cure so here are some tips to reduce the risk of suffering a stroke.

1. Reduce your blood pressure.

High blood pressure massively increases your risk of having a stroke. The trouble is you can have dangerously high blood pressure and feel fine. Far too many people only find out they have high blood pressure after a stroke or heart attack. Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure or buy a machine yourself and check it. If it's high your doctor will probably start you on prescription medication.

2. Stop smoking

Smoking clogs up your arteries which narrow and eventually a clot forms and you have a stroke. Whether you use pills, patches, hypnosis, acupuncture or will power just do it.

3. Treat heart disease

Angina, irregular heart beats or heart defects can cause a clot to travel to your brain, block an artery and cause a stroke. Your doctor may start you on a daily aspirin, which stops the clots forming.

 4. Lose weight

Being overweight causes a host of problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, increased risk of some cancers and depression. Begin eating a bit less and moving more. Walk to the shops, get off the bus or train a stop earlier, park your car a bit further away. You'll be surprised at how quickly you feel the benefits.

5. Control your Diabetes

Poorly controlled diabetes can severely damage blood vessels all over the body including the brain. Damaged vessels are weaker and more prone to colts forming. A high blood sugar at the time of a stroke often causes worse brain damage than expected. Well-controlled diabetes delays the complications, which are associated with a higher risk of stroke.

6. Relax and reduce stress

Too much stress is bad for all of us. Take a few minutes each day to sit still, clear your mind, take slow deep breaths and relax.

7. Change your diet and reduce your salt intake

The modern diet heavy on packets, tins and take aways is not good. Processed foods such as these have very low vitamin & mineral levels and high salt levels. A high salt intake raises blood pressure. Salt is hidden in many processed foods so read all the labels. Better still cut out processed foods altogether.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining good health and a lack of them causes major problems. Start cooking your own food. It's easy and quick to produce a healthy meal. Eat more fruit and veg, brown rice and wholemeal pasta, chicken, fish and lean red meat.

8. Buy a cookbook

There are thousands of cookbooks to help you. Buy one which has quick, easy and healthy recipes. Cooking doesn't have to be complicated.

9. Drink more water and less fizzy drinks.

Aim to drink 8 large glasses of water a day and stop the coke, pepsi and dr. pepper. You'll feel better for it.

10. Do a bit of exercise

Get your body moving. Go for walks, climb your stairs a few times, start dancing. Get more active. It's what we're designed for.

Andy Duncan is a doctor and freelance medical writer. For more information on strokes and stroke rehabilitation please visit

Bowel disease

Many people mistake inflammatory bowel disease for irritable bowel syndrome. They are actually two completely different issues, although they both affect overall colon health. Inflammatory bowel disease can encompass many different disorders which are different types of bowel irritations that include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both of these are ulcer causing conditions where Crohn's contains ulcers in the intestines and ulcerative colitis means ulcers in the colon.

What Can Cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

There is a great deal of speculation on what can bring on this condition. Some feel it is genetic and others believe that the immune system is not working properly. Finally, it may be caused by germs or other foreign material in the body.

What are the Indications of Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Unfortunately, there are no cut and dry indications that one is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. This is because the symptoms depend upon the type IBD that is present. Some of the most prevalent indications are urgency to evacuate the bowels, cramping, and pain in the stomach. In some cases there can be loose stools with blood. Many lose their appetites.

While these symptoms can be very uncomfortable, there can also be some serious consequences if this condition is left without treatment. There can be bleeding in the colon and bowel and in some cases, toxic megacolon can be present. Toxic megacolon can be dangerous because is characterized by a very dilated colon and accompanied by abdominal bloating and pain, along with fever and even shock.

Those who are diagnosed with ulcerative colitis are going to be more likely to acquire certain types of cancer. In some cases, there can be other complications associated with inflammatory bowel disease. The following are some of the possible complications:

Pain in the Joints

Loss of Bone Structure

Problems with Eyes

Liver/Kidney Issues

Skin Problems

There are two ways that a physician can determine if a patient has inflammatory bowel disease. The first is testing stool samples. The other is checking the colon via a camera which can detect if there are any lesions on it.

How to Treat IBD

This first recommendation for treating IBD is changing the diet of the patient. Lowering fiber and dairy foods is going to be the first step. De-stressing and taking better care of the overall health is also a must.

In some cases, medications that help to reduce irritation and swelling may be offered to the patient as a way to get relief. Others may need antibiotics. Finally, pain medications can help to ease the discomfort of having inflammatory bowel diseases.

Because of the loose bowels and the diarrhea, many people with IBD can become dehydrated. This is a major concern. In severe cases, a hospital stay may be in order to get fluids quickly into the body. Sometimes, an operation is the only option for restoring the patient to a healthy, normal life.

For more information on topics related to this article, click on Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

George McKenzie is a retired TV anchor, medical reporter and radio talk show host. He is a frequent contributor to Colon Health, a resource site about colon health and wellness.

bone disorders

Human growth hormone is known as protein which is excreted naturally by pituitary gland. This hormone is able to act as the trigger for the development and growth of skeletal bones. Pituitary disorder during the birth can cause the baby to experience HGH deficiency. For a further effect, it can cause some chronic diseases as well as genetic disorder.

Further effect of HGH deficient include the disorders of the heart strength, immune system function, lung capacity, tooth eruption, and also bone density. It is a very scaring disorder a child can possibly experience. For this reason, the American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) establishes the guidelines for the replacement of hormone growth in children through a diagnosis from a doctor.

Commonly, the children will be examined from their previous growth charts to identify the pattern of abnormal growth. Before the age of 2 or 3, the children with HGH deficiency will be typically able to grow normally before the rate of the growth slows down not more than 2 inches each year. They are able to grow up yet with low growth rate less than their peers.

 For this reason, HGH therapy is proposed to cope with short stature which will continue after the puberty. Instead for above problem, HGH replacement can also work for children with Prader-Willi syndrome. It is also known as a genetic abnormality. It affects the long bones so that those with this disorder can have short stature and abnormal body proportions. Therefore, this kind of therapy is highly recommended.

The mainstay for HGH replacement therapy is known as somatropin. There are a lot of manufacturers which produce this so that it is available in some different brand names. As the first treatment, the somatropin in injected to the skin by using a syringe once a day. In order to prevent the tissue from damage, the injection is done on different sites.

The children who take growth hormone therapy are recommended to visit a pediatric endocrinologist regularly. It is important for monitoring the rate of the growth and adjusting the dose of somatropin. The main goal is to help the children to grow as close as possible to their potential height adult. This kind of therapy can be continued as long as the bones of the children are still able to grow.

The growth of the hormone can have the benefits for both emotional and physical significantly. This kind of therapy can help them to feel normal and help them get the normal treatment from their surrounding, especially their friends. With sufficient hormone needed, they can grow like normal to avoid the physical problems such as lungs, hearts, immune system, bones, and teeth.

However, the children are very risky to some of disorders. Bad nutrition and sleeping habit can also lead them to disorder. Instead of giving them enough nutrients, you can also consider sound therapy machine which is beneficial for helping you child sleep well. Another worth considering device is white noise sleep machine.

blood vessel tips

Inflammation is one way the body responds to infection or injury. We are all aware of the classic symptoms of an inflammatory immune response - redness, raised patches on the skin, and swelling. But inflammation can occur at low levels over long periods of time in our cardiovascular system, a condition known as chronic inflammation.

You may not 'feel' this type of inflammation, but scientists believe chronic inflammation is involved in the development of heart disease. It can lead to damage to blood vessels and atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and obesity.

Chronic inflammation in the blood vessels can be caused by smoking, hypertension and the injury to the vessels that results from it, oxidative stress, and high blood glucose.

Although the 'lipid hypothesis' is the most commonly recognized explanation for why we develop cardiovascular diseases, many people who have normal blood lipid levels still have heart attacks, strokes, and develop atherosclerosis and other vessel diseases. Inflammation and the resulting damage to blood vessels may be one explanation for these cases which are unexplained by blood lipids.

How is Inflammation Measured?

Inflammation is an immune response and, as such, involves very complex cellular activity and pathways. Many events within the vascular system can lead to the production of inflammatory substances. And the release of these substances leads to additional cellular events and responses.
Scientists have identified certain substances as markers of inflammation. In other words, when inflammation occurs, the level of these substances goes up as part of the immune response. One such substance is C-reactive protein (CRP.)

People who have high levels of CRP are more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. As with any biomarker, it is not fully known whether high levels of CRP cause damage and subsequent disease or whether high levels of CRP just happen to coincide with other events that occur in heart disease and cause the damage.

Other substances have also been identified as possible markers of inflammation when determining cardiovascular disease risk. These include SAA, sICAM-1, IL-6 and IL-18.

 Should You Have a CRP Blood Test?

Even if CRP isn't the actual cause of disease, it can still be important to know a patient's blood level of CRP. Research has shown that when CRP levels are taken into account, a patient's overall risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease is more accurately determined than with tests of blood lipids levels (cholesterol and triglycerides) alone.

Although the American Heart Association does not define chronic inflammation or CRP levels as independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease, they have noted the importance of blood tests for CRP. While CRP is not recommended as a screening tool for heart disease risk for everyone, a CRP blood test can be helpful in determining how to treat an individual who is already at an increased risk for heart disease.

When measuring CRP in the blood, a test known as the highly sensitive C-reactive protein test (hs-CRP) is performed. The American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control agreed to the following translations of CRP blood levels:
Low risk: 3.0 mg/L

Inflammation and Other Vessel Diseases

Heart attack and stroke aren't the only conditions that may be affected by the level of CRP in the blood. This isn't surprising considering that the health of blood vessels is important to all body systems. Vascular dementia and cerebral small vessel disease have been found to be related to higher blood levels of CRP.

Should You Try to Lower CRP?

 Because of the strong relationship between high levels of CRP and risk of heart diseases, scientists are studying whether treating individuals to lower CRP levels will result in lower risk. For example, statins (one class of cholesterol reducing medications) have been shown to lower CRP levels and some studies indicate that people with normal blood lipids can still benefit from statin therapy resulting in lowered blood CRP.

Based on the existing evidence, however, the American Heart Association does not advocate CRP-lowering treatments to reduce heart disease risk. This is an active area of research, though, and it is possible that in the future there will be commonly available treatments to lower CRP.

Get more information regarding naturopathic medicine [].

birth control tips

When you decide what you are using is not good enough or is not good for your body when you are on birth control, you have to stop and think about your options before you quit using what you are using to prevent a birth. Changing birth control is not always as easy as simply stopping with one thing and starting with another. Some contain hormones, and some are not as good as others. Sometimes, you want to talk to your doctor about a time frame for 
changing and what it may do to your cycle as a whole.

If you are on the birth control pill, and you want to change to something else that has no active hormones, like an IUD or a condom, you won't have too many problems if you stop and then start using the other method. Changing birth control from the pill to a condom means you just start using the condoms. You may want to finish out your month on the pill though, to keep your cycles from getting too messed up. Remember, using both the pill and a condom is best, but you can go from pill to condom rather easily.

If you are on the pill but what to change to something like the Depo shot, which also contains hormones, changing birth control is a bit more complicated. In this case, you want to follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. They are going to give you the shot, so they won't give it to you until it is time anyway. Finish up with the pill as they recommend, and use backup while changing birth control so you do not get pregnant. Condoms are a great backup in this case.

There are going to be many changes in your body if you are changing birth control from a hormonal type to a type like condoms or IUD. These changes may mean that you go back to a heavier period if you used the pill to have lighter periods, or to skip periods altogether. You may miss a few in the process and you may not be sure why. Even if you are using a backup, you should stay on top of where you are in your menstrual cycle. Use a pregnancy test if you feel there is any chance something may have happened. You do not want to harm a baby by starting something new if you are pregnant.
Be sure to talk to your doctor about your reasons for changing birth control. Perhaps you want to go from the pill to something without hormones because of a medical condition or risk. Perhaps you feel you are not going to be having sex very often, and you feel the pill is a waste of money at the moment. Perhaps it is cost, or perhaps you simply can not remember to take it each day, which gives a false sense of security. When your doctor understands what is going on with your life and what your worries may be, they can better suggest the birth control method that is the very best for you.

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autoimmune dis...

Autoimmunity involves the immune system failing to recognize the body's cells and tissues as being a part of the body, which results in the immune system attacking those cells and tissues. Any disease resulting from autoimmunity is called an auto-immune disorder. There are over 60 known disorders thought to be related to autoimmunity. Below is a summarized list of conditions related to autoimmune disorders :

Alopecia Areata – An autoimmune disorder that is characterized by hair loss. It is found commonly in men and women and can occur at any age, including childhood.

Alzheimer's Disease – Characterized as a progressive brain disorder, which involves a decline in social and intellectual abilities. Alzheimer's Disease is thought to be associated with free radical damage in the brain and inorganic aluminum.

Celiac Disease – A chronic inflammation of the colon that creates an intestinal breakdown due to an allergic reaction to gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in grains such as wheat, barley, oat and rye.

Crohn's Disease – A chronic inflammatory bowel disease, which is characterized by severe inflammation of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. This disorder is typically seen in persons between the ages of 15 and 35, but can also be found in young children and the elderly as well.

Fibromyalgia – This disorder is characterized by aches and pains in the muscles along with chronic fatigue and insomnia. It is estimated between 3 to 6 million people in the US suffer with Fibromyalgia. Ninety percent of them being women.

Graves Disease – A disorder affecting the thyroid gland. In this disease auto-antibodies bind to the thyroid gland, which increases the production of thyroid hormone, which plays a major role in metabolism. Symptoms include nervousness, diarrhea, insomnia, sweating, and weight loss with increased appetite. More serious symptoms include irregular heart beat, tachycardia (increased heart rate), swelling of eyes and legs. In rare cases, cardiovascular collapse, shock or coma could occur.

Lupus – A disorder which instead of the body's immune system functioning properly as protection from harmful invaders, it forms antibodies that attack healthy tissues and organs. Symptoms include aching joints, inflammation, swelling, fatigue, fevers and rashes. Lupus is a mild disease affecting only a few organs, but for others it may cause serious, even life-threatening problems.

Multiple Sclerosis – A chronic inflammatory condition which involves the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord. This chronic inflammation causes severe damage to the myelin sheath (covering of the nerves). Symptoms include blurred vision, numbness and paralysis. Mercury toxicity may be a causal factor.

Psoriasis – A common chronic skin condition which is characterized by symptoms similar to eczema. It involves the hyperactivity of the immune system which creates a form of inflammation. This inflammatory reaction causes skin cells to multiply seven to twelve times faster than normal. The skin is often dry and itchy as well as being cracked or blistered.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – This disorder can affect many joints, but most commonly the small joints of the hands. An autoimmune attack on the tissues causes inflammation along with pain and swelling. If uncontrolled it could lead to destruction of the bones, deformity and eventually disability. It is thought that a factor of rheumatoid arthritis is holding onto bitterness.

What are natural ways that can be used which are helpful for autoimmune disorders?
  • Most people with autoimmune disorders suffer from exhausted adrenals. The adrenals produce a hormone that controls the immune response called cortisol. Cortico-steroid drugs are used to treat autoimmune disorders to mimic the action of cortisol, but have undesirable side effects. A natural alternative to consider is Licorice, which is an herb that supports the adrenals, as well as having anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Yucca also has anti-inflammatory properties as well as mimics the effects of cortisol. It also has a detoxifying effect as well as a blood thinning property. Wild Yam is another herb that can be taken as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. Willow bark also has an anti-inflammatory property and can help bring relief from pain in autoimmune disorders.
  • Stress management is a key factor in dealing with autoimmune disorders as stress adversely affects the adrenal glands. Getting an adequate amount of sleep as well as having a positive mental attitude can be very helpful. Supplements that can be beneficial in helping the body manage stress are Siberian Ginseng, Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic and Nutri-Calm.
  • Antioxidants aid the body in balancing immune activity and also fight free radical damage. Green Tea Extract and High Potency Grapine are appropriate choices.
  • Essential Oils that may be beneficial for autoimmune disorders include Bergamot, Clary Sage, Lavender and Roman Chamomile.
  • Adding essential fatty acids to your diet like Flax Seed Oil and Omega-3 EPA can help to reduce inflammatory responses.
  • Magnesium deficiency is also common in cases of autoimmune disorders. Fibralgia contains magnesium as well as malic acid which is beneficial for generating cellular energy and may be helpful for Fibromyalgia.
  • Moderate exercise such as walking or swimming can be helpful but care should be taken not to over exert the body.

  • Taking a digestive enzyme is very beneficial.

  • Taking a Probiotic daily is recommended to help put healthy bacteria into the intestines which may help reduce allergic responses.

What should be avoided?

  • Immune stimulants are contraindicated as this could only make the problem worse. Avoid taking herbs and supplements that boost the immune system such as Colostrum, Dandelion Root, Echinacea, Goldenseal, and Yarrow.
  • Avoid essential oils that stimulate the immune system such as Geranium, Thyme and Ylang Ylang.
  • Food allergies may also be a factor in autoimmune disorders. Common allergens are hydrogenated fats and oils such as margarine and shortening, grains such as wheat and corn and dairy products. Foods that aggravate the condition should be avoided.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars which feeds Candida, a fungus that may also be a contributing factor for autoimmune disorders.

Toxicity and Heavy Metal Poisoning
It is believed that heavy metal poisoning, such as with vaccines that contain mercury and other toxins that are injected directly into the bloodstream as well as other toxic chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis, are a major factor in the underlying cause of autoimmune disorders. A gentle detoxification is recommended so as not to detoxify the body too quickly causing a “healing crisis”. SAM-e can be helpful in detoxifying the liver and has been beneficial in some cases of Fibromyalgia. Enviro Detox taken in small doses can also be helpful.
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association
About the Author:

Michelle Newport is a certified herbalist and naturopath and is the founder of Nature For Life, a company offering natural health consulting services and education.

Information in this article is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. More information